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May 22, 2023


Here at Boris & Horton, we strive to provide a safe and fun environment for all dog owners. We are proud to say that we are the first dog-friendly cafe in NYC since our mission is to take care of our pets as well as our customers. We believe in contributing to the growth of dog-friendly communities. Check out all the benefits of these communities and join us in our mission!

owner with his dog at boris & horton cafe

Improved socialization

Did you know that dogs can increase our socialization? Whether you own a dog or just like being around them, having connections with dogs increases our socialization skills. Research shows that dogs help us be more open to others, meet new people, and initiate conversations.

When you take your dog for a walk, do they eagerly approach new people with their tail wagging? Dogs love to meet new people and pups, which helps their owners to introduce themselves as well. If you aren’t a pet owner, asking about someone else’s dog can be a great conversation starter. 

Dog-friendly communities are also more likely to have areas where dogs and people can connect regularly, including dog parks, dog-friendly businesses, areas with outdoor seating, and community events


Reduced stress levels

When spending time in a dog-friendly neighborhood, you know you will likely run into at least one pup (or more if you’re lucky!). Being around dogs can help with stress managing stress. 

Studies have shown that simply petting a dog can lower your stress levels in addition to lowering blood pressure. Dog-friendly communities are generally less-stressful places to live and work


Economic growth 

Do you work hard so your pet has a better life? From throwing your pet a birthday party to treating them with a gourmet dessert, dog owners love to spoil their furry friends. In fact, in 2022 the total U.S. Pet Industry Expenditures reached $136.8 billion

Whether it is at the veterinarian's office, pet store, or dog bakery, dog owners support local businesses. Because money is going back into the community, dog-friendly communities promote economic growth in their area. Start-up businesses with products or services targeted to pets will also choose to open in dog-friendly cities which also contributes to economic growth. 


Increased exercise 

Living in a city can sometimes make it difficult to find a place where both you and your dog can exercise. Dog-friendly cities always take into consideration that dogs need a place to move around too! 

From building dog parks to creating walking paths designated for pets, dog-friendly communities create spaces where people and their pups can workout together. This is so important because owning a dog can help you live a healthier lifestyle. Research even shows that dog owners walk around 30% more each week than they did before owning a dog. 

If your city is lacking places where you can take your dog to exercise, consider walking to a dog-friendly business like Boris and Horton. Just make sure you read the House Rules before coming!

cute dog at boris & horton

Safer communities 

It’s no secret that just being around our pets can make us feel comfortable and at ease. That’s why dog-friendly communities feel safer for their members. 

Dogs are constantly surveying their surroundings for unusual activity. When they sense danger, they verbally express their concern by barking. Community members can trust that the dogs around them will alert them of anything suspicious. When we see the presence of happy and healthy dogs in an area, we view it as a safe space.


Work-life balance 

It’s arguably the worst part of the day - leaving for work and having to say goodbye to your beloved pets for the day.  But, did you know businesses in dog-friendly communities are starting to allow their employees to bring their canine companions to work?

Bringing your dog to work helps to promote a greater work-life balance. From snuggle breaks to short walks, dogs offer a chance to pause and step away from a project. Dogs can also remind us to not work too hard and always make time for play.

Additionally, having your dog at work can increase your productivity. Dogs also contribute to a more calming and positive work environment.

If you aren’t able to bring your dog to work, consider working from a dog-friendly cafe like Boris and Horton. Order a yummy treat for you and your pup and get to work!


Stronger sense of community

No matter how different we are, there is one thing dog owners have in common - a shared love of our pets. While not everyone feels the same way, dog-friendly communities are generally filled with individuals who share the same level of respect and adoration for our four-legged friends.

Living and working in a dog-friendly neighborhood creates a strong sense of community. We all work together to create a better community for both dogs and people alike. 

At Boris and Horton, our team is made up of dog lovers who love to get to know our customers and their canine companions on a personal level.


Welcoming businesses

Have you ever been running errands with your furry friend and had to leave them tied up outside? Research shows that around 60% of pet owners would stay longer at a cafe, bar, or restaurant if they could bring their pets with them. 

Dog-friendly communities are home to many businesses that welcome both you and your pet. This makes it easier to spend time with your pets and also helps to support the businesses in your local community. 

friendly staff at boris & horton cafe

Located in the East Village, Boris, and Horton is proud to be a part of a dog-friendly community. We are New York City’s first Department of Health-approved dog-friendly cafe and community space. 

Whether you are looking for a cozy cafe to get some work done, a fun community event where you can meet new people, or the perfect place to spend time with your pets, Boris and Horton is here for you. 

Come visit us and explore our dog-friendly community to see all the benefits for yourself. We’d love to meet both you and your furry friends!


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